With 2,800 miles of trout streams, Virginia is rich with coldwater angling opportunities. No matter where you live in the Commonwealth, there's superb trout fishing within a 3-hour drive.
The 2009 Trout Guide is chock full of useful information including maps showing wild trout, special regulation, and stocked waters. www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/trout/. Maps are easily downloaded and cross referenced with DeLorme's or another similar state-wide atlas.
Fish-with-a-Friend programs, wher members guide others on their favorite streams. Call your chapter president and ask about Fish-with-a-Friend or for suggestions regarding great water.
Please, fish ethnically and pradtice cath and release.
Martinsville - Smith River - B.J. Walker, President
434-728-1419 - bjfireresq@embarqmail.com
Article taken from Trout Unlimited